Austin Jackson on Tuesday pulled off what may be one of the best home run-robbing catches at Fenway Park we’ve ever seen.
During the bottom of the fifth inning of the Red Sox-Indians game, the Cleveland center fielder raced towards the Red Sox bullpen and leaped to rob Hanley Ramirez of a home run:
Could quite possibly be the best catch in the 105-year history of @fenwaypark #austinjackson pic.twitter.com/ebOQ1kvDsg
— Chad Amaral (@chad_amaral) August 2, 2017

Jackson went so high over the short fence that he flipped over into the bullpen.
The fans at Fenway appreciated the catch that robbed one of their players so much that they applauded Jackson when he came to the plate in the top of the sixth inning. Plays like that can sometimes supersede rivalries between teams.