Say what you will about the Marlins and whether or not they can turn an ugly franchise around, but so far I like their style. Take away a few of the gimmicks — like fish tanks as a backstop and whatever that thing is that they have in center field — and I have to admit I’m digging the vibe the new stadium and Ozzie Guillen have brought to the team.
Not many catchers wear a full helmet, let alone one with artwork on it like a goalie mask. As you can see from the photos above that Joe Frisaro of MLB.com shared with us, Marlins catcher John Buck decided to go down that road. Buck’s 2012 helmet features the Miami skyline, which in my opinion is a swagger move in a Tony Montana type of way. Since the Marlins have yet to play a game in their new stadium, the best part of being a Miami Marlin is — well — Miami. Trust me, I’ve been there. Might as well embrace it.
H/T Eye on Baseball