You know who must be over the moon about Kevin Youkilis reportedly being traded to the White Sox? His own brother.
Scott Youkilis has been pretty busy on Twitter over the last 24 hours, bashing Boston and Bobby Valentine and also listing reasons why Chicago is a better city, as rumors about his brother being traded to the South Side intensified into reality. It probably didn’t help that the guy who made Youkilis expendable, Will Middlebrooks, had another big game Saturday night.
Here’s some of the Twitter tantrum Scott’s been throwing over the last day:

Love that #teamyouk may be changing sox real soon. #Chicago is better town anyways!
— Scott Youkilis (@chefyouk) June 23, 2012
@Oliver_Klozoph I wonder why? Bobby V is a joke
— Scott Youkilis (@chefyouk) June 23, 2012
#whychicagoisbetterthanboston the worst Chicago deep dish is twice as good as any pie from the #northend
— Scott Youkilis (@chefyouk) June 24, 2012
Yep. This is the ugly side of sports in Boston
— Scott Youkilis (@chefyouk) June 24, 2012
#whychicagoisbetterthanboston Al’s Beef
— Scott Youkilis (@chefyouk) June 24, 2012
#whychicagoisbetterthanboston closer drive from Cincinnati
— Scott Youkilis (@chefyouk) June 24, 2012
There’s also the part about how the White Sox are on top of their division.
H/T Hall of Very Good
Photo: Bob DeChiara-US PRESSWIRE