Mark McGwire has no immediate plans to make up with Jose Canseco despite his former Bash Brother’s desperate pleas.
McGwire is still upset with Canseco for writing in his 2005 book “Juiced” that he used steroids. McGwire admitted to using PEDs in 2010, but Canseco was ostracized and in his words blackballed from MLB for the book.
Though Canseco showed up to O.Co Coliseum in Oakland last weekend to be honored with the rest of his A’s teammates for the 25-year anniversary of the 1989 World Series-winning team, McGwire, who is a hitting coach for the Dodgers, did not attend. That didn’t stop Canseco from apologizing to Mark while attending the event.

Unfortunately, McGwire wants nothing to do with the reconciliation attempt.
“It’s too late. I don’t care to ever speak to him again,” McGwire told ESPNLosAngeles.com on Wednesday. “What he did was wrong.”
That was not the first time Canseco attempted to reconcile with McGwire; he also wore a shirt to a Dodgers-Cardinals game in 2012 that read, “Sorry for everything, Mark.”
McGwire says he could not care less what Canseco does.
Canseco told reporters that he regrets writing the book and the way he went about exposing people like McGwire.
Word of McGwire’s comments made their way to Canseco, who seemed heartbroken. He tweeted the following Wednesday night in response to McGwire:
Mark McGuire I know you're mad at me, but believe me…. No one is more mad at me than myself for writing that book.
— Jose Canseco (@JoseCanseco) July 24, 2014
I respected u as a player & person. Ive suffered more than anyone from writing this book..I don't know how else to say I'm sorry. – your fan
— Jose Canseco (@JoseCanseco) July 24, 2014
Mark I don't blame you if you can't forgive me. I can barely forgive myself.
— Jose Canseco (@JoseCanseco) July 24, 2014
Mark let's do a hr challenge for charity. If I win will you forgive me :)
— Jose Canseco (@JoseCanseco) July 24, 2014
Please excuse Jose for misspelling his former teammate’s name. And it’s just like Canseco to try to work a Home Run Derby challenge into his reconciliation attempt. It wouldn’t be a Canseco proposition if it didn’t involve a boxing fight or Home Run Derby.
Maybe Big Mac will forgive Canseco in time. Canseco sold out his teammates and many more because he was desperate. He helped clean up baseball, which was a nice consequence. It’s been almost 10 years. Hopefully McGwire will forgive him eventually.