We’ve got this new feature here at LBS we’re debuting and it’s called the LBS Nut Bag. We’ve decided that anyone in the sports world who deserves to be publically shamed here at LBS will be “sacked” by the LBS Nut Bag. Feel free to email in tips of anyone you think who needs to be sacked.
The first athlete to get sacked by the LBS Nut Bag is Tigers first baseman Miguel Cabrera. The 2010 AL MVP runner-up made headlines on Thursday, and it wasn’t for being the first player to homer in Spring Training. Oh no. Miggy instead was channeling his Tony La Russa in Florida, getting arrested for DUI and resisting arrest. The details from the police will no doubt make you laugh and cry.
- – When an officer asked who was with him, Cabrera responded, “I am going to f—— kill him” despite being alone in the car.
– He drank from a bottle of James Buchanan’s Scotch Whisky on the roadside, in the presence of at least one officer.
– He refused to obey instructions from officers, at one point saying, “Do you know who I am? You don’t know anything about my problems.” When one officer asked Cabrera to get into a patrol vehicle, Cabrera replied, “F— you.”
Who the heck drinks from a bottle of Scotch IN FRONT OF AN OFFICER and WHILE THEY ARE GETTING ARRESTED? This guy’s an Idiot with a capital I! Honestly, every bit that Miggy stands out from his competition on the diamond is how much he stands out from the average criminal in terms of stupidity.
Then, as if drinking in front of an officer and resisting arrest wasn’t disrespectful enough, he freaking puts on a giant cheeser in his mugshot. What is up with this guy? Who smiles after a DUI arrest? Someone who doesn’t care, thinks they can beat the charges, and someone that downright disrespectful. Jeezus.
It’s all really just a shame because we thought Cabrera had cleaned up his life after his drunked arrest at the end of the 2009 season that cost the Tigers the division. He supposedly got clean last off-season, put the drinks down, and had the best year of his career. And now he kicks off the 2011 season like this? Not good at all. Why can’t he get serious about his career and his life?