So far both men have met with members of Congress and offered depositions. McNamee has said that Clemens used performance enhancing drugs — steroids and HGH. That came out in the Mitchell Report, and since that time, McNamee has supposedly furnished paraphernelia proving Clemens did the roids and growth hormone. That’s some complex ish, especially considering it comes the day after Clemens met with the Congressional committee and insisted he never did anything. Clearly both of them can’t be right at the same time since their statements contradict each other.
In case you haven’t put it together yet, and believe me, it takes a while to completely grasp the whole thing, one of these dudes is lying — horribly. Either Roger Clemens, or Brian McNamee, is completely full of horse crap. No messing around. These dudes are asking for perjury charges. One of them has knowingly lied to federal authorities. Considering how much info McNamee has on all these other players, I’m taking his word. That means Roger Clemens has formed all these responses vehemently denying his use of performance-enhancers and lied the whole time. At first you could have thought it was an act, like when he did videos on his own site or went on 60 Minutes. But oh no, it’s no longer an act. This is all for real, all too real.
So maybe Clemens figured there’s no way someone could prove he DID use steroids and HGH, that it would be a he said/she said situation. Maybe he figured he could hang his hat on that. Pretty brazen. Or stupid, if you ask me. Or maybe McNamee has been pressured by the government all along to say Clemens did it so that the Mitchell Report had some clout. And as far as the paraphernalia goes, I don’t buy that McNamee has steroids/HGH needles from 5-10 years ago with Clemens’ DNA on it. That’s maddening. But I do know that we’re at the point where either one of these two dudes has lied to congress and one of them is screwed. Proper screwed.
Oh, and by the way, how OLD and terrible did Clemens look in his congressional appearance Tuesday? Dude looked like David Wells.