Tampa Bay Rays reliever Sergio Romo caused the benches to clear after he struck out the final batter in his team’s 1-0 win over the Washington Nationals on Tuesday, and he was ripped by many people for his antics. The right-hander took the time to respond to at least one of his critics.
The batter Romo struck out to end the game was Michael Taylor. During a game between the two teams on June 6, Taylor stole third base with Washington leading 9-2 in the sixth. Romo was on the mound at the time, and he obviously didn’t forget about it.
Benches clear after Sergio Romo starts chirping at the Nationals. pic.twitter.com/GM3C8u7z2m
— CBS Sports (@CBSSports) June 26, 2018

Romo said after the game that he meant no disrespect to the Nationals and only wanted to send a message to “the person I felt disrespected me and my team.”
Whatever the case, Nationals broadcaster Ray Knight considered Romo’s antics “bush league.” He said as much on Twitter, and Romo later fired back.
What a bush league act Romo is. Michael A. Taylor is one of the finest young men I have known in this game. He Could not be more humble or respectful. Romo has always been all mouth no action. One day he’s going to Pop Off to the wrong guy.
— Ray Knight (@RayKnight25) June 26, 2018
You obviously don’t know me. By your statement about being a great teammate. You might need to gather a more information…I love my job. I’m a lucky man to be able to work at a job that keeps me near the game that I love and respect.Tell Buster Hi! He’s a great friend.Take Care.
— Ray Knight (@RayKnight25) June 27, 2018
Hey Ray u obviously do not know me either! Thank u for ur opinion tho as I have mowed thru ignorant opinions like urs my whole life! All good! God bless u always!
— Sergio Romo (@SergioRomo54) June 27, 2018
Ignorant would be an appropriate word to reflect you actions on the field. You’ve been a Good Major leaguer, better Professional. @Sergio Romo54
— Ray Knight (@RayKnight25) June 28, 2018
Thank u! I will take ur advice into consideration no doubt! At least I didnt cuss at him nor did anyone get hit… What’s wrong with letting someone know the first chance I got that something I didn’t like was done to my team? #checkurfacts #uknewtheoldrulesbeforemeboss
— Sergio Romo (@SergioRomo54) June 28, 2018
Sergio, I appreciate your response. I understand your emotion and passion. Maybe we all learned something from this..I was taught that when you had differences with someone, that it was best to deal with it one on one in private. Thank you for your communication. Stay healthy Man
— Ray Knight (@RayKnight25) June 28, 2018
What Romo did seemed uncalled for. If he had a problem with Taylor violating one of baseball’s infamous “unwritten rules,” there were surely better ways to address it than that.