The Tampa Bay Rays, aka the masters of the themed road trip, did what they do best on Sunday night with another fantastically original idea before they boarded the plane for their trip to Houston. This time, the Rays went with the preppy look.
All of the players and coaches pulled off the style nicely with plenty of pastel colors, popped colors, and trendy sport coats. But unfortunately, there can only be one winner. You all know who that is:

Joe Maddon absolutely killed it with the baby blue jacket and the salmon shorts. He already had an advantage going in because of his stylish eyeglasses, but that’s why he’s Joe Maddon.
The Rays have done a lot of these things since last year, but this could be one of the best. My favorite is still probably the nerd theme because of the hidden meaning behind it, but kudos to the team for continuning to coming up with great ideas. To see how they compare to some of the others, read all of our posts on themed road trips here.
H/T Reddit