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#pounditThursday, December 19, 2024

Man Breaks into White Sox GM Ken Williams’ House, Drinks Beer and Relaxes

When someone breaks into a wealthy person’s home, they usually have a motive.  Most of the burglars have the same exact motive — to take money or take things that are extremely valuable.  The man who broke into White Sox General Manager Ken Williams’ home did some of that, but for the most part it seems like he just wanted to know what it was like to be Ken Williams.

According to an NBC Chicago report, Williams’ house was broken into at some point last week.  The intruder, 51-year-old Wayne L. Field III, took some of Williams clothes, a set of keys, and some jewelery.  Sounds pretty standard, right?  Not exactly.

Police were able to catch Field for two reasons.  First off, he left behind a hospital bracelet with his name on it.  Secondly, he returned to the home wearing Williams’ clothes and World Series ring and was peeking in the windows while police were investigating.  According to the report, Field had made himself at home when he broke in.  He drank Williams’ beer, ate a frozen pizza, surfed the internet, defrosted a lobster, and even climbed into bed.

The Boston Celtics, Tampa Bay Rays, and Floyd Mayweather Jr. should have been so lucky.  They were all victims of more traditional robberies, but it appears Williams just fell victim to a fan that wanted to know what it was like to be him.  On second thought, I’d probably rather just be robbed.

Fist pound to Hardball Talk for sharing the story.


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