Nick Young and Iggy Azalea are sorting out the details of their breakup, and it sounds like there could be some financial issues even though they were not married.
According to TMZ, Iggy has agreed to give Young her engagement ring back if she gets to keep the 1962 Chevy Impala she got for the Lakers swingman — the same one that was shown being towed from her house recently — as a Christmas gift back in 2014. Since a mint 1962 Impala is valued at around $100,000 and the ring Young gave Azalea is more than 10 carats and reportedly worth $500,000, that doesn’t sound like a very fair deal.
It gets worse.

As TMZ notes, California law states that an engagement ring is a gift given “in contemplation of marriage” and legally belongs to the person who bought it if the wedding is called off. Therefore, Young may not have had to trade one of his possessions (since it was given to him as a gift) to get the ring back.
Of course, you have to take into consideration the reason Iggy and Swaggy P broke up. Perhaps he is trying to be kind to his former fiancee, as the breakup seems to be the result of the a video that shows Young admitting he cheated. Young also supposedly bought Azalea a car years ago after another set of cheating rumors.
Letting Iggy keep the Impala may have been a sign of peace.