A few hours after beating the Knicks at Madison Square Garden Sunday, Dwyane Wade made his way to Yankee Stadium to watch the Yankees play the Angels. He was seated a row behind Tim Tebow (and later moved up a row to sit next to Tebow), and ESPN flashed to the two of them having a conversation during the second inning. Wade was apparently booed when he was shown on the big screen in the stadium, though he was cheered after putting a Yankees hat on later in the game. Reports say the reaction for Tebow was mixed, though the boos were more prominent. The real takeaway is that Tebow, who was recently traded to the Jets, was wearing a Yankees hat, which should endear him to New York fans. At least Tebow is wise enough to avoid a Tom Brady-type controversy.
Photo Credit: William Perlman/THE STAR-LEDGER via US PRESSWIRE