Hooters ballgirl refuses to move as player chases foul ball (Video)
The Hooters ballgirl that has been shagging balls during the Philadelphia Phillies’ spring training games this year officially went from doing too much to doing too little earlier this week. Last week, the young lady confidently fielded what she thought was a foul ball and handed it to a fan, only to later realize she had picked up a ball that was in play.
This time, the same young lady (or another young lady who looks strikingly similar) decided she was simply going to park it rather than risk picking up a live ball. The problem is she dangerously got in the way of a player who was chasing down a fly ball in foul territory. Typically the ballboy or ballgirl will stand up and grab their chair to get out of the way, but that didn’t seem to be an option here.
I don’t know if having a Hooters girl serve as a ballgirl has helped sell tickets, but I think all the players would agree at this point that the experiment has not gone well.
H/T Hardball Talk