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#pounditThursday, December 19, 2024

Stanford band reportedly tried to use tubas to sneak booze into game

TubaStanford may be one of the most academically demanding universities in the country, but that doesn’t mean the school’s students are immune to the temptations of alcohol. College kids like to drink. Apparently the Stanford band is no exception.

According to WDRB’s Rick Bozich, some members of the Stanford band were caught trying to use their instruments to sneak booze into the Scottrade Center before their team’s game against Kansas on Sunday.

“Interesting tidbit from Scottrade Center security: Had an issue with Stanford band members sneaking booze in with their tubas,” Bozick wrote on Twitter.

I don’t know about alcohol, but the cowbell kid was definitely on something.

Next time try stuffing a few nips down your pants, guys. The whole tuba idea sounds innovative, but sometimes it’s better to just keep it simple.

UPDATE: Suddenly, the Stanford band was not trying to smuggle alcohol into the game.

Then where did the original report come from? Sounds fishy to me…

H/T SB Nation


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