With the news running rampant that Nebraska is going to accept an invitation to join the Big Ten, the first so-called domino in the world of college football has fallen. A man who has been out in front of all the reports and stories is Chip Brown of orangebloods.com, and he’s saying the move by Nebraska means the other major schools in the Big 12 will move to the Pac-10. Joining SportsCenter on ESPN, Brown said what many people figured about Nebraska’s plan to leave: it means the Big 12 is essentially dead.
Brown also said that the Texas president and athletic director met with the Texas football coaches to tell them that they did everything possible to keep the Big 12 together but they were unsuccessful. Feeling that the Big 12 is done means that Texas, along with Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State and Colorado will all move to the Pac-10 to begin play in 2012, according to Brown. One minor item of concern is that Texas A&M has been talking to the SEC, but Brown is saying that the Texas governor wants to keep A&M and Texas together in the same conference.