Sad news emerged Thursday when it was revealed Alabama offensive lineman Aaron Douglas had died. The 21-year-old was partying with friends in Jacksonville and was found dead at a house Thursday morning, likely because of a drug or alcohol-related overdose. It’s extremely sad news for Douglas’ family, friends, and for the Alabama football program. But if you’re a writer for ESPN’s Insider Rumor Central, it’s an opportunity to ponder how it affects Bama’s depth chart.
Holly Anderson posted a picture of the post on her twitter after being tipped off by Football Outsiders. Here’s the post from ESPN Insider:

I’d post ESPN’s apology for the insensitive story, but you have to pay at least $2.50 per month to read it.
We feel compelled to share this story, even though ESPN has apologized, because the point needs to be stressed that timing is critical in determining what conversations are appropriate during death. Mere hours after a young man has died you’re talking about how it affects the team? How can you possibly be so cold-hearted to have such a conversation?
We cannot forget that this is the second time this same thing has happened at ESPN. Two years ago, the day Nick Adenhart tragically was killed in a car accident, ESPN anchor Bram Weinstein asked how his death would impact the Angels’ rotation. I would ask how people can be so insensitive and stupid but that would be a pointless exercise. This is America — home of the free, and land of the Darwin Nominee. Hopefully writers and broadcasters everywhere have learned from other people’s stupidity what is acceptable behavior during tragic situations.