Gene Chizik’s wife, Jonna Chizik, seems a bit bizarre. She has some pretty strong opinions about social media, and on Wednesday she took to her Facebook page to share some of those thoughts. The end result was an extremely confusing rant about how powerful of a tool social media can be. She wrote about her husband’s team and how the fans need to support Auburn the way they did in 2010. She also managed to mix a Satan reference in there.
“…Therefore, my humble suggestion is to create a VERY POWERFUL ‘ALL IN’ movement of your own,” Jonna wrote. “We have fans all over the US and I think it is time that they RISE UP and snatch back what satan, himself, has stolen. We serve a God who recovers ALL that “has been stolen” from us and there are times that He requires the efforts of His people to accomplish this truth.
“Just think about the effect it will have first for the players and their families who sacrifice daily but how it will impact the fan base as a whole. During the season of 2010 the fans came together each Friday afternoon to send our boys off with a reverse tiger walk and the effect of just that alone was palpable enough that it carried over onto the field each and every Saturday.
“I encourage you to think outside the box and create something that will show the rest of the world WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO and why when we refer to ourselves as FAMILY that we mean it.”
If you followed that, good for you. You must speak Jonna’s language. Many read the comments and gathered that she was talking about football. In a way, it sounded a lot like she was saying Satan has taken wins away from the team. Jonna later clarified.
“To clarify my original post about utilizing social media to come together as a fan base in support of what Auburn stands for…when I refered to what satan has stolen from us as a whole I NEVER meant or even vaugely was refering to wins and/or losses on a football field. To be clear, I honestly believe that God doesn’t care who wins a football game but I do know that we serve a GOD big enough to do as He pleases.
“So for those who have misunderstood my humble attempt to get the best fan base in America to rally around a group of 17-22 year old young boys and for those that have misrepresented my words or my intent to unite the Auburn Family please forgive me for offending you with the integrity of my heart.”
Gene Chizik had enough to worry about with preventing his opponent’s from knowing Auburn’s plays before they run them, but now it appears he may have to speak to his wife about not being so open on Facebook. Everyone’s entitled to their opinions and beliefs, but some things are just better left unsaid.