Notre Dame wide receiver Michael Floyd caught a break over the weekend when the school’s Office of Residential Life decided not to suspend or expel him despite his third alcohol-related offense. Floyd has already been suspended indefinitely by coach Brian Kelly who says “This is not about football … Mike has so many things on his plate that he has to handle before he can even think about football — academics and personally.” Floyd surprised some folks when he elected to return for his senior season, but after his March DUI, Kelly needs to send a message.
Brian Kelly has already gotten off easily for defying common sense when he sent student Declan Sullivan to operate a scissor lift and film practice despite unsafe conditions, getting him killed. What’s it going to take from Floyd for Kelly to send an appropriate message?
Floyd, as good as he is on the gridiron, failed three field sobriety tests and blew a .19 during his arrest in March. Is that not alarming enough for Kelly? Does there have to be a horrible ending for every story for him to act? Why should Floyd be allowed to play the entire season without punishment.
I know Floyd is suspended “indefinitely,” but there are no games going on right now. When the season comes around in September, that’s when this issue really matters. Rather than being reactive, Kelly needs to be proactive here. Floyd should have to sit a few games to learn that DUIs are not alright. If this were the NFL, you know how Roger Goodell would handle it. Why shouldn’t Kelly do the same?