For the second time in about a year, Ole Miss quarterback Chad Kelly was recently called out by adult film star Mia Khalifa after he sent her some direct messages on Twitter. Since Kelly didn’t learn his lesson the first time, Pornhub wants to help him out.
On Tuesday, Pornhub vice president Corey Price sent a letter to Kelly offering him an opportunity to go on a date with a porn star.
“I’m not sure if there is a correlation between your attempts at wooing Mrs. Khalifa and your play on the field (rough loss this week at Arkansas) but we wanted to intervene and offer our assistance before you strike out for a third consecutive time,” Price wrote.

“I’d like to officially offer you an opportunity to go on a date with a porn star and learn how to best pick up women. Think of Pornhub as your dating coach. We can arrange a lovely dinner date with one of our beautiful porn stars and she can show you the ropes. You can try various pickup lines on her, see which ones work, which ones fall flat. She can offer guidance and break down the X’s and O’s of dating so you’re best equipped for future situations.”
Price said the offer will stand after Kelly leaves Ole Miss, since the NCAA probably would frown upon him taking part.
For those of you who didn’t see it, this was Kelly’s most recent attempt at hitting on Khalifa:
YO, @OleMissFB, come get your man pic.twitter.com/FHT2UgU2j0
— Mia Khalifa (@miakhalifa) October 15, 2016
In fairness to Kelly, he was far less forward the first time around. You can see a screenshot of what he wrote last year here. Still, he should have gotten the hint that Khalifa is both not interested and very willing to blow up his spot.
Since Kelly has deactivated his Twitter account in the wake of his latest interaction with Khalifa, we’re guessing he won’t be taking Pornhub up on the offer.