Rutgers sends recruit Noah Brown a creepy bodybuilding recruiting letter (Pictures)

I don’t know if creepy recruiting tactics are becoming more popular across college football or if recruits are simply sharing them with us more, but I don’t like it one bit. We have all seen the creepy messages Florida wide receivers coach Joker Phillips has been posting on Twitter and Instagram since the season ended, but Rutgers may have outdone the Joker with the letter it sent to Noah Brown of Sparta, N.J.
Brown, a three-star receiver recruit, recently got the letter you see above in the mail. It featured the head of Scarlet Knights offensive coordinator Dave Cohen superimposed onto the body of a massive bodybuilder.
“If you can’t beat me, join me!” it read. “We want you … come to Rutgers!”
The letter was certainly unique, and Brown appreciated it. In fact, he doesn’t understand why people like us have been calling it creepy.
I found the mail very funny. Not creepy in anyway . It was creative and original. Yall need to relax
— Noah Brown (@nb_dosuno) April 25, 2013
I understand the young man is flattered by Rutgers’ interest in him, which is perfectly normal. That being said, a picture of a coach’s head photoshopped on an almost-naked man’s body is a bit disturbing to see. Unique? Yes. Weird? Very.
H/T SB Nation via Dr. Saturday