The spat between Redskins coach Mike Shanahan and Albert Haynesworth took yet another turn this week. Haynesworth missed practice on Wednesday and Thursday because of “headaches” according to the team. The massive defensive lineman then didn’t enter Saturday night’s preseason game against the Ravens until the second half and was not happy about it. After the game, he let loose on the Skins without holding back his true feelings. If you want the full feeling, video is below. Here’s the meat of his complaints from CSN Washington:
“I was told I had ‘headaches’ or whatever and that’s why I couldn’t go out and practice,” he said. “I think it was a little bit more than that.”
Haynesworth added: “[Headaches] was part of that but it wasn’t all of it. They left out a lot of stuff.”
“I guess to make me look bad for not going to their offseason conditioning program,” he said. “Next year, I’m not coming either. I’ll be with my trainer again and come back in the same shape I’m in and feel good about myself.”
Haynesworth is trying to play the sympathy card but he’s not going to get it from me. Hate to say it, but if he wants fairness, he should have treated the organization better instead of taking their millions and ditching them during the off-season. Albert messed with the wrong coach when he decided to screw with Mike Shanahan. After all, Shanny notoriously carries grudges and is holding one with Haynesworth. You would think Albert would get with the program by now, but no, he’s going to repeat his steps next year. That’s the ticket! Here’s the video:
Albert Haynesworth Unloads On Redskins [CSN Washington]