Arian Foster has never been shy when it comes to addressing racial inequality, and he supports the message Colin Kaepernick is trying to get across. However, even Foster disagrees with the way Kaepernick has chosen to take a stand.
Over the weekend, Foster said he understands what Kaepernick is trying to accomplish but would not personally protest the U.S. national anthem.
“I don’t necessarily see that as a solution to anything,” Foster said, via Adam H. Beasley of The Miami Herald. “This is me talking. This is Arian talking. If that’s what he felt, that’s his form of protest, I support his right to protest. Those are his thoughts, his opinions.”

Foster made it clear, however, that he understands why Kaepernick has grown tired of social injustices.
“I understand 100 percent what he’s doing,” Foster added. “He’s frustrated, just like me. He’s just like my brother. He’s just like my cousins out there. He’s frustrated. It’s hard seeing people get murdered and killed without repercussions.
“African Americans are the only people in America who don’t have a heritage, because of slavery. We’re descendants of genocide, and people don’t like to talk about that. It’s the truth. We’re the descendants of genocide. So when you say, ‘You can leave,’ where to? I don’t know where my people come from. Am I from the Congo? Am I from Kenya? Am I from the Ivory Coast? … I have no idea where my lineage comes from, and that is a huge issue as to why there’s a self-identity crisis in our neighborhoods. We’re taught to hate ourselves for generations.”
Foster is not alone in disagreeing with Kaepernick’s approach. You have to wonder if the San Francisco 49ers quarterback could have raised just as much awareness by speaking out, rather than refusing to stand for the national anthem.
One thing Kaepernick did do is get people talking. And if you read what he said on Sunday about his plan going forward, you get the impression this is only the start.