Ben Roethlisberger has already won two Super Bowl championships. At age 28, he’s in the prime years of his career and has a great opportunity to accomplish a lot more before he hangs it up. Yet somehow, Roethlisberger has already contemplated retiring from the game of football. No, seriously. He said that.
There was a time when I was going through all this that I contemplated not playing anymore. I didn’t want to be Big Ben anymore. And I know that’s what goes along with being No. 7 of the Pittsburgh Steelers,” Roethlisberger said on NFL Live. “So part of me, I can admit didn’t want to play anymore. And go coach or do something else.”
Waaaaaah. Waaaaaah. So you were involved in a sexual assault scandal and it resulted in people making some cruel t-shirts about you. Life goes on. I’m not trying to downplay the difficulties Roethlisberger must have faced while he was suspended and dealing with people not believing anything he said. It’s tough, but you don’t run from something like that. You prove you’re a changed person and come back and start over.
Maybe he’s telling the truth, but personally I don’t buy it. I think Big Ben (yes I enjoy calling him Big Ben even more now) is just being over-dramatic in trying to prove he’s learned his lesson. He knows he’s 28 and he knows there’s still plenty of people in Pittsburgh who think he’s royalty. If nothing else, I suppose I’ll give him an A+ for effort in the “proving you’re a changed man” category.