It’s safe to say that Tom Brady is not the most well-liked football player in Colorado.
Ashley Michaels, a reporter for KDVR FOX 31 in Denver, shared a photo of a receipt from a 7-Eleven store in Aurora, Col. that has the words “Tom Brady’s a cheater” printed at the top.
Do you think this goes too far? Aurora 7-Eleven calls Tom Brady a cheater on their receipts pic.twitter.com/RifrC9ORRe
— Ashley Michels (@ReporterAshley) November 6, 2015

The Broncos and Patriots are among the top teams in the AFC and have been the past few seasons, so the rivalry between the teams and eagerness of the store to bash Brady is understandable.
This might be upsetting to Patriots homers, but it’s not like we haven’t seen this sort of thing many times in the past from rival cities. Brady fans are probably used to it.