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#pounditThursday, June 27, 2024

Cowboys DC Mike Nolan had to delay conference call for surreal reason

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Dallas Cowboys defensive coordinator Mike Nolan has been under fire this season for not being able to stop opponents, but it was his eyeball that was on fire on Monday.

Nolan had to delay his conference call with reporters on Monday evening after he accidentally got hot sauce in his eye. Yes, seriously.

Sometimes the jokes just write themselves.

The Cowboys have been historically bad on defense this season. Some would say Nolan getting hot sauce in his eye is another example of the coach not being able to do anything right.

Nolan probably was not looking forward to the conference call, anyway. The Cowboys gave up 25 points in their blowout loss to Washington on Sunday. They have now allowed 34.7 points per game, which is the worst mark in the NFL by a fairly wide margin.

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has thrown his support behind Nolan as people have called for the coordinator’s job. But if Nolan can’t even defend himself from Tabasco sauce, there may be no saving him.


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