Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay is continuing to speak out regarding the status of Daniel Snyder and the Washington Commanders. This time, Irsay is taking aim at commissioner Roger Goodell and the NFL.
In an interview with Mark Maske and Nicki Jhabvala of the Washington Post, Irsay was critical of the league and commissioner Roger Goodell for their handling of the Commanders’ workplace misconduct investigation. Irsay argued that the owners should have a greater say in the investigation and punishments, as they are the NFL’s primary stakeholders.
“I’m not sure how that report’s going to come out. But what already has come out is extremely disturbing, and I disagree with the process,” Irsay said. “And I most likely disagree that we haven’t discussed something more severe such as him being removed as owner. As I said, it’s not something that I’m saying we should do. I’m saying it’s something that has to be given serious consideration.

“It’s not just what was handed down, the $10 million fine and this so-called suspension that I still don’t really understand, because I told Roger and spoke about it at our meeting, that: ‘Look, I’ve been in the league 52 years. I wasn’t even asked about this, not consulted one time.'”
On one hand, Goodell’s job is to do precisely this: act on behalf of the owners. On the other hand, Goodell’s punishment led some critics to question whether he was being tough enough on Snyder, especially since the NFL did not release the report detailing the findings of the investigation.
Irsay has been willing to publicly question whether Snyder should be removed as owner of the Commanders. These latest quotes indicate that he is willing to question the NFL as well.