A few great Ken Stabler photos and stories
Ken Stabler died of colon cancer on Thursday at the age of 69. Since one media outlet already did its best to bungle the matter in reporting the death, we decided to give The Snake a proper goodbye.
Let’s start with this funny anecdote Stabler shared in his autobiography about some hazing he endured in his freshman year at Alabama. This one comes to us via our friend Michael David Smith:
Ken Stabler's autobiography is great. Here he is on the hazing he got as a freshman at Alabama. pic.twitter.com/i5GxF1yMH0
— Michael David Smith (@MichaelDavSmith) July 10, 2015
Then there’s this legendary tale via our friend Timothy Burke:
Ken Stabler once came to my hometown, took everybody out to the bar, told us "drinks are on me," then skipped out on the check. RIP Snake
— Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) July 9, 2015
Our radio friend JT The Brick asked his followers to send him their favorite Stabler photos. Here were some of the best ones:
@JTTheBrick @SGSFOX pic.twitter.com/FRiqJCkoKI
— Junebugman (@junebugman) July 10, 2015
@JTTheBrick #KenStabler # snake #RaiderNation pic.twitter.com/3TNB5F3EWw
— CJ Flyer (@CJFlyer91) July 10, 2015
@JTTheBrick @TheKenStabler @MuhammadAli #RIPSnake pic.twitter.com/OoOBFlqGI1
— jchesh (@jackson2dope) July 10, 2015
And our favorite:
@JTTheBrick pic.twitter.com/evdsElFJTk
— Anthony Flores (@AnthonyFlores57) July 10, 2015