When the NFL tells players they will be randomly drug tested at any time in any place, they are not exaggerating. Part of life in the NFL means having to wonder if a collector is going to show up while you’re out having a slice of pizza and demand that you take a pee in front of them. Heck, they might even show up when you’re visiting your grandma. Just ask Washington Redskins quarterback Kirk Cousins.
NFL’s off-season drug testing at my grandma’s town-home! I’m all for a clean game but weird having a stranger watch u in your own bathroom
— Kirk Cousins (@KirkCousins8) March 13, 2013
Random means random. If you really want to encourage players from thinking twice before taking any banned substances, sometimes you have to show up at nana’s house. There may be people who print pictures of him but don’t even know his name (as this photo evidence suggests), but the NFL is fully aware of Kirk’s whereabouts at all times. Looks like he got a reminder of that on Wednesday.
H/T Game On!