One of Kyler Murray’s former teammates had a rather scathing assessment of what the quarterback needs to improve.
Free agent offensive lineman Kelvin Beachum, who spent the last three seasons with the Cardinals, said on Arizona Sports 98.7’s “Burns and Gambo” that Murray needs to “grow up a little bit” in order to become a suitable leader for the franchise.
“It’s not a completed process,” Beachum said. “I didn’t say he lacks leadership, I just think he needs to grow up a little bit. I think if he has the ability and willingness to grow up, he’s going to be just fine.

“They paid him for a reason, they paid him because of his talent. He has the ability to lead. When you’re in that position, we need you to lead more. Yo’re the face of the franchise … you have to lead in every single capacity.”
The pointed remarks paint a picture of a quarterback who has yet to fully embrace or understand his leadership role. Murray has been criticized in some circles for apparent self-centeredness, and the team’s new GM may have sent a message on that subject upon being introduced. There have also been lingering questions about Murray’s work ethic, which was already a subject of speculation.
Beachum makes it clear that Murray is young and is capable of doing what he needs to do to lead the franchise, but the clear message here is that it has not happened yet, and it needs to.