Mark Davis has a great way of getting over the difficulties in his life.
Davis spoke with The Athletic’s Vic Tafur for a great feature that discussed the team’s move to Las Vegas and how that is going. The Raiders owner is enjoying Las Vegas as his team prepares for its first season in its new stadium and home.
Originally, Davis was trying to get his franchise moved to Los Angeles, but now he realizes that was actually a blessing for them.

The funny thing is, Davis told Tafur how he got over the disappointment of LA picking the Chargers and Rams. He says he went to his favorite restaurant, P.F. Chang’s, and that he got over it.
Mark Davis was hurt when the NFL chose the Rams & Chargers over the Raiders to move to LA. Briefly …
“I have lost games before. That’s how I live my life — you lose on Sunday, you’re pissed, you go to P.F. Chang’s on Monday, have lunch and then you're on to the next week."— Vic Tafur (@VicTafur) July 23, 2020
Davis loves P.F. Chang’s so much that he has referred to it as his office.
Davis did not show much remorse about moving out of Oakland to Las Vegas, and that’s because he’s on to bigger things. He says they will have fan support from those in Oakland coming to Las Vegas.
And maybe the fans there will treat Derek Carr better than those in Oakland at the end.