Class of 2016, let Russell Wilson give you some pertinent life advice.
The Seahawks quarterback spoke Saturday to the graduating class at his alma mater, the University of Wisconsin, and as commencement speakers tend to do, he offered some life advice to the graduates. Some of it was rather specific.
“Of course, I’m also here to share some things I’ve learned,” Wilson told the graduates, via Sheil Kapadia of ESPN. “Things like, if you’re dating a woman that’s way out of your league, ask her to marry you. If you can throw a football 80 yards, for some reason, people think that’s pretty cool. And if you’re playing the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl, and you’ve got 26 seconds left and you’re down by four, and it’s second and goal on their 1-yard line, try not to throw an interception. That’s purely, purely hypothetical though, of course.”

Gee, what could he possibly be referring to?
There are lots of other ways to go with that, mind you. You could say, perhaps, don’t try to throw the ball at the 1-yard line when you have one of the best running backs in the game – though Wilson doesn’t agree with that point of view.
Good to see that Wilson has a sense of humor over the whole thing now, though. No wonder the Yankees use him as an example during their media training course.