Santonio Holmes is entering his third season with the Jets, but apparently he is still somewhat unfamiliar with the way things work in New York. The media are not your friend. Writers and reporters may try to build close relationships with the players so they can get quotes for their stories and successfully do their jobs, but they are just as happy with a locker room that is in shambles as their are with a team who is one win away from the Super Bowl. Both make for great reading.
However, Holmes decided to lecture the media on Wednesday about being a part of the team.
“If you guys want to be, and this is for the New York media, if you guys want to be a part of our team and want to feel so important, be there to support us, not to try to break us down,” he said during a podcast interview with’s Dave Dameshek. “Because (there’s) not one day that we all step in that locker room and we try to break each other down, that we talk bad about the way that person played because it affects the team the way one person plays if they don’t play to perfection.
By saying things like this and being open about quitting on the team, Holmes makes the life easier for the New York media. He doesn’t seem to get that.
“If the New York media wants to be a part of our team and wants to continue writing about us, write positive things, stay away from the negative because it doesn’t do anything good for our team that you want to report all the negative things that happen and that’s all you want to talk to us players about,” Holmes continued. “We live for one thing and that’s to play football and not to entertain you people in the media.”
They don’t want to be a part of the team. They want to do their jobs by writing stories people are interested in reading and reporting news people want to hear. If that comes in the way of locker room drama or a team that is self destructing, they have no problem with it whatsoever.
Photo credit: Ed Mulholland-US PRESSWIRE