Not too long ago, I let my feelings about Jenn Brown be known. At the moment, everyone seems to be up in arms about a Star Magazine story that came out on Wednesday afternoon. That story involves ESPN sideline reporter Jenn Brown and country music mega-star Kenny Chesney. According to the story, the two were spotted on a romantic vacation together in Cancun, Mexico. The problem? Chesney allegedly has had a girlfriend for two years who was “livid” when she found out about the trip.
I like to think of myself as a morally correct guy. I’m never going to be an advocate for someone cheating on their girlfriend — celebrity or not. That being said, have a look at these Jenn Brown bikini pictures one more time and try to understand where Kenny is coming from. Not to mention, celebrities can do a better job of being secretive than these two managed to do, so my guess is there’s more to the story with Kenny and his girlfriend that we have yet to hear. You’re innocent until proven guilty in my book, Kenny.

Exclusive: Kenny Chesney Cheats with ESPN Reporter [Star Magazine]