Serena Williams tells her fans she’s done dating
Serena Williams was holding a Q&A for her fans on Twitter last Friday when the subject of dating came up. Responding to a fan who asked if she would go out on a date with him, Williams said “I don’t date.”
That led to a followup question from another fan who asked for clarification:
I will never date again is what I mean RT “@KeithOneal1: @serenawilliams if you don’t “date” what exactly do you do? #SerenaFriday”
— Serena Williams (@serenawilliams) April 20, 2012
So Serena doesn’t date, and “will never date again.” Considering that she’s not married but looking for a specific husband, it would be pretty hard to accomplish her goal. Or does this mean she’s going to remain single for life? Help me out here fellas.