Serena Williams was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness, and she says her beliefs are important enough for her to want to marry someone of the same faith.
“I think it’s important when you marry to be evenly yoked,” Serena told Sister 2 Sister magazine.
“I’ve been studying to be a Jehovah’s Witness, so I go to Kingdom Hall,” she said. “I grew up a Witness and it’s what I know and we teach things that come from the Bible.”
Williams is working toward becoming a member because she isn’t one yet. If she’s being honest, then there are quite a few million men in the country that just smacked their faces with their palms. I also wonder how much Serena has adhered to this principle in the past; last I check LaVar Arrington and rapper Common weren’t Jehovah’s Witnesses. But if anything could cause a surge in the religions membership, it’s this news. You telling me there aren’t plenty of guys who would be willing to convert for a chance at this?
Photo Credit: Susan Mullane-US PRESSWIRE