Andrew Shaw deflected the puck into the net for the game-winning goal in triple-overtime of the Chicago Blackhawks’ 4-3 comeback win over the Boston Bruins in Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals on Wednesday, and the hero kept it loose in his postgame interview with NBC’s Pierre McGuire. Maybe too loose.
McGuire asked Shaw to take him through the overtime goal. Shaw began describing what happened. He then casually let a “f—ing” slip out, it seemed.
“It was a great shot, great tip, f—ing … it was unbelievable. All the guys … we deserved this,” said Shaw.
According to’s A.J. Perez, Shaw admitted after the game that he let the F-bomb slip out accidentally. He apparently said he made a “slip of the tongue” because of exhaustion.
Considering that the teams had played nearly 120 minutes of hockey, it’s hard to get too mad at him for letting down his guard. And we’re guessing that not too many youngsters heard it since it was midnight in the central time zone and 1:00 am on the East Coast by the time the game ended.
As we have learned in the past from guys like Jonathan Quick, sometimes this sort of thing just happens.
Video via Puck Daddy