SI writer Andy Benoit says ‘women’s sports in general not worth watching’
SI writer Andy Benoit is in some hot water for his opinions expressed about women’s sports over Twitter Monday.
Benoit, who is an NFL writer at SI’s “The Monday Morning Quarterback,” sent some controversial tweets in which he opined that women’s sports were “less entertaining” than men’s sports. Benoit backed up his opinion by saying that TV ratings agree. He also generalized and said that women’s sports are “not worth watching.” As you can imagine, his comments did not go over well with the Twitter crowd.
The tweets came up because of the Women’s World Cup, which has been a popular sports topic and is gaining steam with the US advancing to the quarterfinals following a win over Colombia Monday. Benoit deleted his tweets, and it would not be surprising to see him reprimanded by SI.
As someone who has watched and enjoyed women’s tennis, volleyball, softball, soccer and MMA over the years, I could not disagree with Benoit more, though ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith might be in agreement. The hundreds of people who lit into Benoit over Twitter felt pretty strongly about his remarks, too.