By popular demand, we have the All-Hottest Olympians Team. Usually they have the all-tournament teams and stuff, but athletic prowess is not exactly what concerns us in this instance. After all, what else are the Summer Games good for? Anyway, Jimmy Traina at SI Extra Mustard gave us plenty of excellent choices and provided some inspiration for this carefully selected group. Same with Brahsome who put together a hottest 11 Olympians list, and FanIQ’s Olympians that posed in Playboy.
ANA IVANOVIC – Tennis, Serbia, LBS favorite
ALICIA SACRAMONE – Gymnast, U.S., Instant Internet Celeb
JACQUELINE CARVALHO – Volleyball, Brazil, wish she played Beach
SERENA WILLIAMS – Tennis, U.S., Bootylicious
HANNA-MARIA SEPPALA – Swimmer, Finland
BIBA GOLIC – Table Tennis, Serbia, Hottie in Cleats
HOPE SOLO – Soccer, U.S., Wants to play Brazil
LOLO JONES – Track, U.S., Best abs in the games?
I do have to say, I think Jacqueline Carvalho might be my favorite. She’s awesome. Not sure if her team’s any good, but she sure is.