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Larry Brown Sports Tagline. Brown Bag it, Baby.
#pounditSunday, February 9, 2025

Kenny Britt arrested yet again; this time for DUI at an Army post

Unfortunate yet unsurprising news for the Titans today, as troubled wide receiver Kenny Britt found himself in handcuffs yet again after being charged with DUI at a military installation early Friday morning.

Britt reportedly was taking a female soldier back to Fort Campbell, an Army post on the border of Kentucky and Tennessee, when his vehicle was stopped at a gate outside of the premises. Guards became suspicious of Britt’s driving and conducted a field sobriety test, which confirmed their suspicions. He reportedly declined to take a Breathalyzer test.

Britt was held in custody, though for an unclear amount of time. He was released later in the day after being escorted out of the installation by MPs. His vehicle remains impounded on the post.

By now, Britt is probably used to being in handcuffs (in more ways than you’d think). This is his whopping eighth known brush with law enforcement since being drafted by the Titans in 2009.

When we last heard from Britt he was busy leading cops on a police chase last year then getting arrested for something totally different the day after appearing in court for said police chase.

Britt somehow managed to escape suspension by the league last season, despite being a multiple offender. Hard to see him not feeling the wrath of his buddy Roger Goodell this time.