Just add this to the mounting evidence against Barry Bonds. To anyone who read Game of Shadows, we learned that Bonds first got interested in steroids when he saw McGwire and Sosa, who he felt were inferior hitters, belting the baseball and became jealous. That was according to his ex-mistress, Kimberly Bell, who surely has an ax to grind. Well, Bell held back no punches in an interview with the New York Daily News to promote her November spread in Playboy:
His body had grown thicker, his back was pocked with acne, his hair had fallen out and his testicles had shriveled when Bonds asked his former mistress if she thought anyone would suspect he was on the juice.
“Do I look bloated?” Bonds wanted to know. “Does it look funny? Do you think this is obvious?”
Bonds was always moody – “I always figured he had PMS, like a woman,” Bell said – but the drugs radically changed his behavior as well as his body. He became a different person, controlling, threatening and finally violent. “It went from ‘I want to know where you are at’ to ‘I’m gonna f—— kill you. I’m gonna cut your head off and leave you in a ditch.'”
Nice. Not like I trust this tramp — after all, she did nail a married man — but there has to be some truth here. And after reading this, nobody should be shocked to see Bonds indicted in the near future, even if it’s only for perjury chargers. By the way, if anyone out there buys the magazine and supports this twit, then I will be resigned to administering a merciless cyber-flogging on your ass. Purchase at your own discretion: you have been warned.