What an utter shame. They say making fried turkeys on Thanksgiving is one of the best treats out there. At the same time, it’s also one of the most dangerous, with people getting injured from the fryers as often as kids blow off their hands on July 4th with fireworks. For that reason, the peeps at ASU won’t be allowing turkey fryers to the USC tailgate on Thursday:
The vats of hot grease used to fry turkeys are a safety hazard and will be banned from the Nov. 22 game against the University of Southern California, ASU police Cmdr. Jim Hardina said.
“They extended the [tailgating] hours so people are going to be out there longer, drinking longer,” Hardina said. “The last thing we wanted was vats of hot grease out there.”
I for one, cannot go along with this motion. What could possibly be more exciting than a tailgate of drunken asses and hot grease? The combination would be magnificent! (you know this whole post was just an excuse to put that picture up there, right?)