For years, Wrigley Field has been one of the historical institutions of Major League Baseball and a throwback to the old days. From the brick walls to the ivy on the outfield, its old construction and style offered a certain type of charm you could hardly find anywhere else. But after 100 years, they finally decided it was time for a renovation, which has been going on all offseason.
The latest development came in a photo released by the Wrigley Field Renovation Twitter account, which shared a picture Wednesday of the completed jumbotron. While the board looks cool and like any other one you would see at a typical stadium, it will take a long time for me to get used to. At least they won’t have to worry about scoreboard operators falling asleep on the job now.
Overall, the entire renovation project has gone slowly. The bleachers will not be completed until after the season begins, and the entire renovation is not expected to be done until 2019.

H/T Big League Stew