In the rare event that Chip Kelly decides to leave the NFL and head back to Oregon, he has the blessing of the man he would be replacing.
Mark Helfrich, who was fired by Oregon earlier this week following a 4-8 season, served as the offensive coordinator for the Ducks for three seasons from 2009 through 2012 while Kelly was the head coach. In an appearance on ESPN Radio’s Russillo and Kannel Friday, Helfrich said there would be no hard feelings if Kelly took his old job back. Not only that, but Helfrich admits he spoke to Kelly about it.
“I just wanted to let him know that to take our personal relationship out of it in every shape and form if he wanted to consider this,” Helfrich said, as transcribed by Tyson Alger of The Oregonian. “But reading between the lines, I think he wants to make it right in the NFL. I think he wants to win at that level. He’s had a rough go of it this year, but he’ll make it right.”

Helfirch added that he would welcome Kelly’s return to Eugene, because that would likely mean the same coaching staff that has been in place for several years would remain intact.
“When you start thinking of your assistants and your support staff, if he were to come back, some of those people would be safe,” he said. “Just trying to take all the personal relationship out of it, remove me from the equation, and let him think of it that way.”
At the very least, Helfrich’s revelation confirms that the rumors of Kelly going back to Oregon are not baseless. If Kelly had zero interest in a reunion and the school felt the same, why would Helfrich bother having a conversation with his former boss about it?
Kelly was once again asked about the possibility of returning to college earlier this week. You can read his response here.