Even though he’s been off acting as a diva on Dancing With the Stars lately, Warren Sapp still hasn’t lost his magical touch of talking smack. The guy got off some good blasts on the ’06 Raiders team, and some even better ones on Al Davis recently. But as MDS at PFT tells us via Adam Schefter, Sapp may have saved his best blast for Keyshawn Johnson when answering a viewer’s question for Inside the NFL:
(On whether he would ever watch Keyshawn Johnson’s reality show about interior design)
SAPP: Me, watch Keyshawn on an interior decorating show? Keyshawn, I knew you were a bitch. And thanks for making it all clear.
MDS points out that this isn’t the first time Sapp’s taken a shot at Keyshawn. He’s called him a bigger malcontent than T.O., and diminished Key’s skills as well. Seems like much ado about nothing, but maybe Sapp’s just one of those guys that always has to have the serrated edge. And believe me when I say that I’m eagerly awaiting Keyshawn’s response. Maybe he’s just the bigger man between the two children, though Key does have a pretty big mouth too so I am optimistic.