I’ve never heard of Sal Maiorana, but it seems like he’s one of those old school journalists. How do we know that? The cranky fella complained after the San Francisco 49ers-Carolina Panthers game that Colin Kaepernick was wearing his hat backwards and not acting like a professional.
Kaepernick. Always so media friendly. Turn your cap around and act like a professional quarterback.
— Sal Maiorana (@salmaiorana) January 12, 2014

When a follower compared Kaepernick to Philip Rivers, Maiorana brought out other quarterbacks who he thinks embody class.
No, like Manning, Brees, Rodgers, his own contemporary Wilson. Class goes long way. RT @blzrul: @salmaiorana you mean like Hissyfit Rivers?
— Sal Maiorana (@salmaiorana) January 12, 2014
Because Aaron Rodgers has never worn a backwards hat while addressing the media:

And jeeze, look at all these other classless NFL quarterbacks:
The world is going straight to hell. RT @DLBScouting: pic.twitter.com/27TA8M7TFY
— SI_DougFarrar (@SI_DougFarrar) January 12, 2014
The backlash, no surprise, was fast and furious, but Maiorana embraced the hate like a WWE heel.
Its so much fun infuriating all of you. What a laugh riot watching my feed blow up. And I'm the angry one?
— Sal Maiorana (@salmaiorana) January 12, 2014
This is the second time we’ve gone through something like this where Kaepernick was criticized for his appearance. Last season there was the whole issue over Kaepernick’s tattoos after AOL’s David Whitley wrote a critical column.
I don’t really feel like going through the entire exercise of defending Kaepernick, because there’s no point in getting so outraged over the opinion of a Buffalo Bills writer for the Democrat and Chronicle. But if you think Kaepernick is unprepared, a bad leader, or unprofessional just because he wears a backwards cap, it’s an extremely poor assumption, and he’ll make you pay for underestimating him.
Image via @cjzero