Minnesota Vikings quarterback Christian Ponder and his wife Samantha Steele seem like one of the more modest couples in the celebrity couple realm. Their relationship progressed quite rapidly, going from dating to engaged to married in the span of just a few months. And their wedding night remained consistent with their low-profile nature.
In a recent interview with Bob Sansevere of the Pioneer Press, Samantha Ponder spoke about how quickly the relationship moved and where it began.
“He started sending me messages on Twitter,” Samantha explained. “I’m like, ‘Why is this old Florida State quarterback messaging me? This is weird.’ He was always asking me random questions about living in Austin. Nothing creepy, but that was our original connection. Our version of Christian Mingle was on Twitter.
“I really did realize from day one this guy is different. He operates a different way. Honestly, the reason I even responded to him on Twitter was I looked at his Twitter page and he didn’t follow any other women. Usually these guys are all following porn stars or who knows what kind of women. There were little things like that pointing to maybe this is a different kind of guy.”
So if you’re trying to meet attractive women on Twitter to potentially score a date, don’t follow porn stars. Got it. After getting married in December, Samantha and Christian enjoyed a typical wedding night together. Actually, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
“We drove the 20 minutes to Hudson or whatever it was, walked in, got married,” she explained. “Then we went and ate Arby’s as our wedding meal. I don’t need a day that’s all about me. I was happy to go get married.
“That night after we had our Arby’s, we forgot the offensive line had an Ugly Sweater Party at a local restaurant. One of the guys texted Christian and asked, ‘Dude, where are you at?’ We went to the mall and found ugly sweaters and went to the Ugly Sweater Party. We wanted to leave early, but everybody was like, ‘No, don’t leave.’ I’m thinking, ‘Gosh, we just got married.'”
For what it’s worth, the Ponders did have a proper wedding ceremony and reception in April, but my guess is that was more for other people than themselves. The real takeaway from Samantha’s interview for me is that she’s an incredible catch. Christian better hang onto that tighter than a football on 4th-and-1 with a playoff spot on the line.
H/T Shutdown Corner