We told you not to be fearful of the Lingerie Football League taking a one-year leave of absence. The league isn’t going anywhere, and all indications are that the intention is to grow the beast and bring it back stronger than ever. The city of Omaha can attest to that, as they are planning to host an LFL team when play resumes in 2013.
According to the Omaha World-Herald, the Omaha-area franchise — which has not been given a name — will play two home games in Ralston’s 3,500 seat arena. Members of the Nebraska Stampede, another women’s football team that plays fully clothed and fully padded, are reportedly upset that they were passed over and have to play their home games at a high school field.
“From my perspective, it’s really frustrating that this is the reality in our society,” Tina Johnson, the Stampede’s general manager and starting fullback said. “Sex sells, and it always will. If they want to go out there and play in their lingerie, then by all means, that’s their power. I just wish we could get that same kind of respect with our clothes on.”
Johnson is not alone in her thinking. In fact, some LFL players have even expressed a desire for the league to use less skimpy uniforms and for the football to be the selling point, not the scantily clad women. At this point in time, it’s obvious the league has no intention of making that happen.
The bottom line is Lingerie Football is coming to Nebraska, and I’m sure there are plenty of people who are ready to celebrate it.