With all the money Alex Rodriguez has sitting in his bank account, you would think he’d have a nice kitchen at home. In fact, I’m sure he has a wonderful personal chef. Not only that, but doesn’t he have several friends who can come over and join him at his home to create somewhat of a restaurant setting? If he does, you have to wonder why A-Rod needs to bring his own food to restaurants rather than staying home. According to the NY Post:
Alex Rodriguez is bringing his own food to restaurants in order to watch his diet as he prepares for spring training in Florida. The Yankee slugger was spotted at the Mondrian Hotel pool in South Beach on Saturday afternoon having lunch with girlfriend Torrie Wilson. But A-Rod didn’t order from the menu — sources say he’s following a special high-protein diet and travels with a cooler of his own grub. Rodriguez was seen asking a waitress to heat up his special meal in the kitchen, while Wilson nibbled on the poolside cafe’s chips and guacamole.
Wouldn’t this offend you if you were the cook? I know A-Rod and his new girl are into fitness and all that, but if you can’t find at least one thing on the menu that fits your picky lifestyle maybe you should go somewhere else.