Unfortunately, we have heard this story one too many times. Like several other athletes before him, Derek Lowe recently fell victim to a home burglary. The most troubling part of the break in is that one of the valuables that was stolen cannot easily be replaced. According to the News-Press, $90,000 worth of possessions were stolen from Lowe’s home in Florida, one of which was his 2004 Red Sox World Series ring.
And you thought it was bad when Matt Garza lost his AL Championship ring. You never want to see someone lose something that is important to them, but at least that ring was for a second-place finish. The property Lowe had stolen represents the shattering of an 86-year curse and several generations of pain and suffering for Red Sox fans. That year, Lowe started and won the clinching games in the ALDS, ALCS, and World Series, so he was a massive part of what Boston was able to accomplish.
With all the money these athletes have sitting around their houses in tiny valuables that can easily be pocketed, I’m surprised more safes aren’t used. If I won a championship ring with any team — let alone one of the most historic in sports history — that piece of hardware would be under lock, combination, key, and fireproof material at all times.
H/T Big League Stew