Here Are the Miami Marlins New Uniforms and Logo (Pictures, Video)
There have been plenty of rumors floating around the Internet the last few weeks about the new look of the Miami Marlins, and now the official uniforms and logo have finally been released by the team. The team held a party Friday night to unveil the name change and uniforms. Here is a video of the fashion show portion of the celebration: provides some information behind the color schemes and logos:
Blue, red-orange and yellow are their primary colors, and the old “F” of the Florida Marlins has been replaced by an “M” with a fish figure attached to it, becoming the new logo.
The colors were chosen to reflect trendy Miami.
“We are the red-orange, of the breathtaking Miami sunsets and the citrus industry,” [Owner Jeffrey] Loria said. “The blue of the sky and the sea. And the yellow of the beautiful Miami sunshine.”
There are three jerseys — black, grey and red-orange.
“Both home and road jerseys will be emblazoned with the name Miami, to symbolize this historic move and embrace our city,” Loria said. “We’re proud of who we are, and where our home is, and we want to remind the whole world every time we take the field.”
What do you think? It could definitely be worse. The colors work and are similar enough to their old colors that they didn’t make a complete change, but they’re different enough to help the team form a new identity. The logo looks a little too 1990s video game for me, but the uniforms work. Take the new exciting look, the new stadium, and the rumors about the Marlins chasing after free agents, and this team might even average more than 10,000 fans a night.
Picture Credit: Brendan Tobin via Eye on Baseball