Marylou Belles of Bethel, Conn. died back on July 13. According to her obituary which we read on the Daily Courier-Observer’s website, she battled cancer for 27 years before passing away on Friday the 13th — which was described as a “perfect day” for it since she was a big Stephen King fan. Belles’ obituary also said that she “gave cancer the finger,” but that wasn’t nearly the most enjoyable part for sports fans like us. Whoever wrote it really hit a home run with what they said about the Mets.
She was also a lifelong NY Mets fan though surprisingly, that wasn’t what killed her.”
Zing. Taking a shot at your favorite team on the way to the Pearly Gates isn’t unheard of, as we saw with this Twins fan and again with this Broncos fan who apparently despised Peyton Manning. What is truly embarrassing is that this isn’t even the first time a Mets fan’s obituary has mentioned their frustrations with the team. Obituaries usually take up very little space in the newspaper, and the fact that fans have felt the need to rag on the Mets on more than one occasion within that limited space truly says a lot. Bravo, Belles family.
H/T Hardball Talk via